School Places
On 8th October 2024, the following was true:
SCHOOL YEAR 2024-2025
Year 6 – FULL
Year 5 – FULL
Year 4 – FULL
Year 3 – FULL
Year 2 – FULL
Year 1 – 1 Space
Reception – FULL
However, we sometimes know of a place which might be coming available in the near future. It’s always worth checking – 01453 542600 .
If you are able to take a place in the year group(s) listed above, older and younger brothers and sisters could still qualify for places, even if their year groups are full!
All other Year Groups, including Reception, have reached their Planned Admission Number (PAN).
As a Voluntary Aided School, Governors might be able to admit children over PAN, according to a number of different criteria. For Reception Year group, this applies even after the County Allocation Process is complete.
The Governors have an ‘Exceeding PAN Protocol’ which you can read below. If you are in any doubt, please contact the school to discuss your situation.
Click here for the Admissions Policy
Click here for our Exceeding PAN Protocol