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North Nibley C of E Primary School

Governors’ Information and Register of Interests

Last updated 20th November 2023


Steven Hodgkinson
Category, Appointing Body: Head Teacher, School Governors (on appointment)
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/01/2022 - Cessation of employment
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Teaching & Learning, Finance & Resources, Admissions
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 6/6

(2022-2023 - 17/17

2022-2023 - 20/20)

Sue Bradley-Jones
Category, Appointing Body: Foundation, Gloucester Diocese
Term of office; FROM: TO: 20/07/2020 to 19/07/2024
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Admissions (Chair), Head's Appraisal
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 4/4

(2021-2022 - 10/11

2020-2021 - 14/14)

Rosie Casken
Category, Appointing Body: Foundation, Gloucester Diocese
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/12/2021 to 30/11/2025
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Teaching & Learning
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 4/4

(2021-2022 - 7/8)

Julie Collins
Category, Appointing Body: Foundation, Gloucester Diocese
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2025
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Admissions, Finance & Resources, Pay Panel (None)
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 11/11

2020-2021 - 15/15)

Emma Frith
Category, Appointing Body: Foundation, Gloucester Diocese
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/02/2022 to 31/01/2026
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Teaching & Learning (None), Attendance, Head's Appraisal
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 5/13

2020-2021 - 12/12)

Peter Hall
Category, Appointing Body: Substitute Ex-officio Foundation Governor, Gloucester Diocese
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2025
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Teaching & Learning, (Safeguarding)
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 12/13

2020-2021 -11/12)

Charlotte Parker
Category, Appointing Body: Parent, Parent Election
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/11/2018 - 31/10/2022
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Teaching & Learning (Chair)
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 13/13

2020-2021 - 11/12)

Mark Perry
Category, Appointing Body: Foundation, Gloucester Diocese
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2024
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Chair of Governors, Finance & Resources (None)
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 4/4

(2021-2022 - 9/10

2020-2021 - 6/7)

Karl Rust
Category, Appointing Body: Parent, Parent Election
Term of office; FROM: TO: 14/05/2022 - 13/05/2026
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Teaching & Learning (None)
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 2/4

(2021-2022 - 1/1)

Judith Saunderson
Category, Appointing Body: Co-Opted, Governor
Term of office; FROM: TO: 07/11/2019 - 06/11/2023
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Finance & Resources (Chair), Pay Panel, Head's Appraisal
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 8/10

2020-2021 - 7/11)

Russell Strothers
Category, Appointing Body: Foundation, Gloucester Diocese
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/05/2022 - 30/04/2026
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Finance & Resources (None)
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2022-2023 - 4/4

(2021-2022 - 2/2)

Rebecca Allen
Category, Appointing Body: Staff member, Staff Election
Term of office; FROM: TO: 23/10/23-23/10/27
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Teaching & Learning 
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2023-24 1/1
Rossi Howe
Category, Appointing Body: Foundation Govenor
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/06/2023 - 1/06/2027
Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Teaching and Learning
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees): 2023-24 2/2
Governor Category, Appointing Body: Term of office; FROM: TO: Committees served on (Positions of responsibility): Relevant business interests: Other educational establishments they govern: Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: Attendance / number of meetings possible (all committees):
Steven Hodgkinson Head Teacher, School Governors (on appointment) 01/01/2023 - Cessation of employment Teaching & Learning, Finance & Resources, Admissions None None None 2023-24 6/6
Sue Bradley-Jones Foundation, Gloucester Diocese 20/07/2020 to 19/07/2024 Admissions (Chair), Head's Appraisal None None None 2022-2023 - 4/4

(2021-2022 - 10/11

2020-2021 - 14/14)

Rosie Casken Foundation, Gloucester Diocese 01/12/2021 to 30/11/2025 Teaching & Learning None None None 2022-2023 - 4/4

(2021-2022 - 7/8)

Julie Collins Foundation, Gloucester Diocese 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2025 Admissions, Finance & Resources, Pay Panel (None) None None None 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 11/11

2020-2021 - 15/15)

Emma Frith Foundation, Gloucester Diocese 01/02/2022 to 31/01/2026 Teaching & Learning (None), Attendance, Head's Appraisal None None None 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 5/13

2020-2021 - 12/12)

Peter Hall Substitute Ex-officio Foundation Governor, Gloucester Diocese 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2025 Teaching & Learning, (Safeguarding) None None None 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 12/13

2020-2021 -11/12)

Charlotte Parke Parent, Parent Election 01/11/2018 - 31/10/2022 Teaching & Learning (Chair) None None None 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 13/13

2020-2021 - 11/12)

Mark Perry Foundation, Gloucester Diocese 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2024 Chair of Governors, Finance & Resources (None) None None None 2022-2023 - 4/4

(2021-2022 - 9/10

2020-2021 - 6/7)

Karl Rust Parent, Parent Election 14/05/2022 - 13/05/2026 Teaching & Learning (None) None None None 2022-2023 - 2/4

(2021-2022 - 1/1)

Judith Saunderson Co-Opted, Governor 07/11/2019 - 06/11/2023 Finance & Resources (Chair), Pay Panel, Head's Appraisal None None None 2022-2023 - 3/4

(2021-2022 - 8/10

2020-2021 - 7/11)

Russell Strothers Foundation, Gloucester Diocese 01/05/2022 - 30/04/2026 Finance & Resources (None) None None None 2022-2023 - 4/4

(2021-2022 - 2/2)

Rebecca Allen Staff member, Staff Election 23/10/23 - 23/10/27 Teaching & Learning (None) None None None 2023-24 1/1
Rossi Howe

Foundation Gloucester,


1/6/23-1/6/27 Teaching & Learning (None) None None None

2023/24 1/1


Alison Jewel

Foundation Gloucester,


30/8/23-30/8/27 Finance & Resources (None)

2023/24 1/1



Associate Governors

Associate Member Sue Prosser
Category of governor: Associate Member
Appointing Body: North Nibley School Governors
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/09/2018 - N/A
Committees served on: Finance & Resources
Voting rights: None
Any positions of responsibility: None
Any relevant business interests: None
Any other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Actual attendance / number of meetings possible (2021-2022, all committees): N/A
Actual attendance / number of meetings possible (2020-2021, all committees): N/A
Associate Member Sue Prosser Jude Saunderson
Category of governor: Associate Member Associate Member
Appointing Body: North Nibley School Governors North Nibley School Governors
Term of office; FROM: TO: 01/09/2018 - N/A 31/8/23-N/A
Committees served on: Finance & Resources Finance & Resources
Voting rights: None None
Any positions of responsibility: None None
Any relevant business interests: None None
Any other educational establishments they govern: None None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None None
Actual attendance / number of meetings possible (2021-2022, all committees): N/A N/A
Actual attendance / number of meetings possible (2020-2021, all committees): N/A N/A

Those ceasing to be governors in the last 12 months – 

Tom Merrifield
Category of governor: Appointing Body: Parent, Parent Election
FROM: TO: (Date of cessation) 01/03/2020 - 08/04/2022
Committees served on: Any positions of responsibility: Finance & Resources, Health & Safety
Any relevant business interests: None
Any other educational establishments they govern: None
Relationships between governors or school staff including spouses, partners and relatives: None
Actual attendance / number of meetings possible: 2021-2022 - 3/7

(2020-2021 - 7/12)